Church is all about people. People who are coming to know the joy of the love of God in Jesus Christ.
St Andrew’s is made up of people from lots of different backgrounds. Some of us have been Christians for a long time. Some of us are only just beginning on a journey of knowing the love of Jesus. Whoever you are, wherever you’ve been, there’s a place here for you.
Paul Kerry is our vicar. His desire along with the Church council is that everyone on Mirehouse would have the opportunity to hear the life changing news of Jesus Christ. His desire is also that the church of St. Andrew’s would be loved from the heart and taught from God’s Word in order that they might boldly share that news with the community. Paul is married to Gabby, they have four children. He enjoys the outdoors, coffee, Norwich City Football Club and a good chat any time with anyone!
Fergus Pearson is vicar of St. John’s Hensingham but has a “Curate” role in the parish. He joins us to preach God’s Word and share in certain aspects of the wider ministry of the church.
Our Purpose at St Andrew’s is to enjoy fellowship with God and one another as we worship in Spirit and Truth, grow in our discipleship, develop in ministry and reach our community with the good news of Jesus for the glory of God.
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures we seek to be a Christ-centred church marked by:
Confidence in our message
Compassion in our life
Courage in our mission
what happens on a Sunday?